I’m a Provider / Service Organization who wants to provide better focused care and increase revenues…
- Neurosurgeons
- Orthopedic Surgeons
- Neurologists
- Pain Specialists
- Anesthesiologists
- Chiropractors
- Primary Care Providers
- Qualified Healthcare Professionals
- Attorneys
We’re an Organization that wants to take care of our employees and save on unnecessary Medical & Health costs…
- Health Maintenance Organizations
- Self-Insured Companies
- Unions
- Hospitals
- Insurance Companies
- Government
- Military
“…After a seemingly insignificant auto accident. I not only endured horrible pain but the emotional trauma of being told by multiple doctors including one of best neurosurgeons in Houston that THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. If you or anyone you know is in pain and can only find relief with drugs I implore you to use the tools on this website to determine the root cause of your pain and establish a medical plan that will allow you to LIVE again.”
– Carlos Cain – Oil Field Executive – Houston, Texas
“I have had undiagnosed pain for a number of years. So I took the Pain Assessment Test. I was amazed by the results. My doctor confirmed the information on The Pain Assessment Test, and changed he treatment plan. Anyone with chronic pain should take the Pain Assessment Test.”
– Eddie Tantoco – former VP of Marriott and Starwood – Phoenix, Arizona