
This test zeroes in on post-traumatic brain injury, mixed muscle tension-vascular headache, C2 entrapment syndrome, and temporomandibular joint syndrome.


Apart from migraine, there are 104 different medical causes for headaches and 60 different types of headaches have been classified. Adding to this there is an ever-changing nomenclature associated with diagnosing and treating headaches. Proper diagnosis is the ultimate predictive analytical tool. The headache Diagnostic Paradigm had a 94% correlation which duplicated the diagnosis of the John Hopkins Hospital doctors. It was also found that between 35% -70% of patients told they have migraine headaches when they actually have muscle tension headaches, TMJ or cervical pathology, again underscoring the need for more accurate diagnostic methodology.

This test zeroes in on post-traumatic brain injury, mixed muscle tension-vascular headache, C2 entrapment syndrome, and temporomandibular joint syndrome.


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