
The pain Diagnostic Paradigm and Headache Diagnostic test diagnose and uncover 96% of the time the overlooked Post-concussion Syndromes.


The pain Diagnostic Paradigm and Headache Diagnostic test diagnose and uncover 96% of the time the overlooked Post-concussion Syndromes. For patients mistakenly called “Sprain or Strain” or CRPS (RSD), these tests provide the right pointers to diagnosis of:

Nerve Entrapments Radiculopathies
Facet Syndromes Damaged Discs
Instability Post-Concussion Syndrome
RSD/CRPS Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

There are 72 questions and 2,008 possible answers.

You the patient can complete these within 40mins in the comfort of your home in a HIPAA secure manner and the tests will be delivered to you within 5 mins after going through our AI engine.

After taking the tests, they are put through our powerful AI engine and within 5 mins you will receive in a secure and confidential manner the output. It will provide you, your physician or any other person you may wish to share this with:

  • A complete and full narrative
  • Summary of possible diagnosis
  • A comprehensive history of present illness/injury
  • A list of proper tests to use for each diagnosis based on the John Hopkins Hospital model


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